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Sahrian is the artificial language created by the developers of the game. It is supposedly the language every character speaks in the game. It takes inspiration of many languages in the real world.

Sahrian, is the language of the world, a far flung future where English and literacy are an ancient and forgotten history. As the Reader, the player has the unique distinction of understanding English and the Book of Rites in order to help those banished to The Downside earn their freedom. In order to create that rift between the Reader and the rest of the cast, Kasavin created Sahrian, a beautiful, yet familiar language. “It’s meant to sound authentic, vaguely recognizable, and old — it’s the common language of the gameworld,” Kasavin said about Sahrian.

For that familiarity, Kasavin dug into languages that formed the roots of our society today. “Sahrian is chiefly inspired by Latin but also other Romance language; I then pepper in other ingredients from Russian and Japanese because I’m familiar with those languages and like the sound of them.” Supergiant Games’ composer and audio designer Darren Korb worked on the casting of each of the characters, as well as recording the voice lines, thousands of them, each character with their own subtle dialects and speaking patterns. It makes sense then why Pyre’s language sounds almost musical at times, never calling attention to itself while being a beautifully integral part of building the world.

There were certain words that he wanted to use to reinforce ideas of this being a legitimate language throughout the game. Noxalas is derived from the Latin ‘nox’ meaning night, and ‘alas,’ meaning wings, used to reference the Nightwings throughout the game. There’s also a particular word the characters use whenever referring to the Reader. “You hear ‘Ligaratus’ frequently when characters are referring to the Reader. I built up a dictionary of hundreds of terms during the course of the writing,”

If you’re interested in learning the language, you’re out of luck for now as not known list of words and grammar is known. Not all hope is lost though as it seems in the future more documents with information about the language could be published.
