Pyre Wiki
Sandra the Unseeing
The Expelled Teacher
Astral Sign
Attempted Murder
Years Exiled
Voiced by
Karola Kreitmair

Sandra the Unseeing is a Nomad wraith residing in the Beyonder Crystal. She and her triumvirate, The Beyonders, were banished for eternity into the Crystal during the time of Soliam Murr.

Sandra commonly speaks ill of others, with the exception of the Reader. She also often laughs at herself, though it is unclear whether she does this because she has a waning sense of self-worth, or she just finds her situation entertaining.

Biography[ | ]

About a millennium ago, she set out to find the missing Emperor, and take his life. She had her many reasons. She and her Sisters of the Arch plunged down the river willingly. When at last they found their mark, they found a man transformed, and humbled. But Sandra thought this yet another one of the Emperor's deceptions, and struck him repeatedly, even as her sisters relented. The Scribes had to respond. Blinded and expelled, Sandra became a living instuments in the Rites. She now exists to train exiles in the Rites, and teach them penitence.

Story[ | ]

Sandra was member of the Sisters of the Arch, an order of assassins, she and eight other Sisters set out to the Downside to kill Soliam Murr and his retinue. They failed in their mission, and the Scribes, in retaliation, sealed her and the other Sisters in the Beyonder Crystal. Their purpose now is to train the Nightwings. She can provide the Reader with Scribe Trials, where an individual exile can compete against three of the Beyonders for a special Talisman only usable by them, or provide Practice Rites.

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If the Reader chats with Sandra often, she warms up to them, but soon she tries to push the Reader away out of fear that they will inevitably discard her. The Reader can continue to have conversations with her and work past her doubts. When the final Rite draw near, if Sandra and the Reader have built up a good relationship, she asks the Reader to take the Beyonder Crystal with them. The Reader can agree or refuse. If they agree, Sandra appears in the epilogue and comments on the inaccurate account of herself and her relationship with the Reader.

Gameplay[ | ]

Sandra is only playable in Versus Mode. For her masteries, see Nomads.

Stats[ | ]

  • Glory: 15
  • Quickness: 12
  • Presence: 13
  • Hope: 22

Gallery[ | ]
